Hi! I'm Ansgar! 👋 You probably got an email from me.
If you're like me, you get a lot of email.
I noticed, over time, that I spent a growing and appreciable portion of my time with email on grammar, formatting, and misspellings.
But is that time well spent? I don't think so. Email's ingrained expecation is that every paragraph be well formatted and every sentence error free. I abhor that expectation.
At first, I added Sent from my iPad
to mollify
any mewling about my emails' brevity or mistakes. (I've never
owned an iPad.) But I came to want something beyond blunting
email's onerous expectation.
So I built Typo. It's an Emacs major mode that purposefully makes my emails a little worse, but just so, in return for celerity.
Here's how it works:
- Mispelled words aren't highlighted nor autocorrected. Typos remain.
The first word of short, standalone sentences is
uncapitalized. E.g.
Great! See you at 2pm
becomesgreat! see you at 2pm
. -
Backwards searches
in Emacs) now have a contrived 1 second delay to deter correcting text already written. - The trailing period of every paragraph's last sentence is removed. They're unnecessary.
Apostrophes in obvious contractions are removed. E.g.
Don't sweat it!
becomesdont sweat it!
In short, Typo is a little tool to retrain my brain to get my point(s) across swiftly and get back to other things.
I hope my emails remain intelligible.
If you have any thoughts on Typo, please email me (irony intended 🙂) and let me know.